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I am as free as air,as free as a bird! My target is to leave you better than i met you,no matter who you are, no matter your class! I have got something everybody needs! I am Mr precious as water; to all & sundry!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A New blog order

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With the avalanche of readable blogs on the internet,the creation of personalized web ME, besides the additional commercial value for the blogger,the advertizers and the products, there is no doubt that something is anew, and it is in the air! Little wonder many people from all walks of life are now blogging.It is a universal platform for everyone to air their views,Un censored, Un fettered, yet rewarding! Every decade really has its invention! In the 70s it was the microwave, In the 80s it was the cell phones/VCR. In the 90s it was the Computer/Internet.In 2000, at the turn of a new millenium it was the health care products and In 2010,i think. I am thinking fast, that,it is a new blog order!In those decades, no lifestyle was complete without any of these gadgets! I am not suprised that the same phenomenon is scheming out now. Businesses,Institutions, religous, Academia,print/Electronic media, dating sites, diplomats and of course other individuals are now blogging!Blogging is really good, especially for those voices that ordinarily wont be heard,for the oppressed and the deprived in every communty to scream at their assailants, to do at least a micro blog to air their views and get solutions to their problems.Since the creation of Universal declaration of human rights was adopted by the UN in 1948,especially on human rights to freedom of expression, it is a new blog order that is really fitting to the real freedom of expression!Before now an aggrieved cant really be heard! Though the Print/Electronic media have platforms for peoples opinion,the media is sometimes censored and gagged by goverment! The media may even stifle or distort peoples opinion.Now with a new blog order, blogs are easy and free tool for public opinion! There has never been a blog black out,so to speak! LOL.It is a new place to be!Little wonder,Bill Gates,the richest man in the world and the founder of Microsoft,said that the 'Internet is the gold rush of today, If your business is not there, you are not yet in business'

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