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I am as free as air,as free as a bird! My target is to leave you better than i met you,no matter who you are, no matter your class! I have got something everybody needs! I am Mr precious as water; to all & sundry!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Murtaza Micky Yusuf: How Nigerians pillaged NIGERIA...... Excerpt.........

Murtaza Micky Yusuf: How Nigerians pillaged NIGERIA...... Excerpt.........: The British began its half a century plus ten years colonial rule in 1900 in Nigeria. The entity called Nigeria, was a seamless metam...

How Nigerians pillaged NIGERIA...... Excerpt.......

The British began its half a century plus ten years colonial rule in 1900 in Nigeria. The entity called Nigeria, was a seamless metamorphosis of cultural and geographical affiliations which were later woven in an arithmetical triangle of North, east and Western regions! Though they wanted us to believe that there is some civility in the military,because they always appoint some members of the civil society into their cabinet,a very keen observer could still read between the lines that those regimes were a rolling stone of political illegality,social animosity,economics naivety and financial indiscipline........ Read more....> 'How Nigerians pillaged NIGERIA' - Murtaza Micky Yusuf. www.amazon.co.uk